1:1 Holistic Coaching

Embody true self-love & reconnect with your intuition using my holistic higher self framework.

Without losing your authentic self.

✔ You’re yearning to connect with yourself on a deeper level.

✔ You desire to immerse yourself intimately into your intuition.

✔ You want to understand who you really are on a soul level.

✔ You’re hearing the call to break the cycles that keep you small.

✔ You’re ready to trust yourself again.

✔ You’re ready to come home to yourself.

I hear you, you’re craving Inner transformation

You’re longing to be in tune with yourself - mind, body, and spirit.

Imagine if…

You knew how to effortlessly tap into your intuition. You never felt lost because you understood how to tap into all of the answers that are already within you.

You cultivated a newfound trust for yourself after a lifetime of disconnection and disembodiment from your true self. Through this inner transformation, you harnessed your inner power, regulated your nervous system, and regained control of your life again.

You remembered your life’s purpose and why you’re here. You’re able to tune into your past lives, and communicate effortlessly with your higher self, the highest version of you. Your reconnection with the divine sparked something marvelous within you- a newfound passion for life.

You opened up your mind and expanded your consciousness to new possibilities and potentials. You’re able to reframe and reconstruct negative cycles into portals of healing and opportunity. You understood the lessons and karmic cycles behind your obstacles so you can now see them with open eyes.

You found the courage to break generational cycles and open up your heart again. You stopped being a people pleaser or emotionally unavailable. You found the balance of opening up your heart and protecting it.

You’ve harnessed the strength to unmask who you really are. You deprogrammed everything everyone has ever taught you and you accept all aspects of yourself- the good, the messy, the chaos. You feel embodied and whole.

Growing up, I struggled with feeling lost and having a grounded identity.

I was severely bullied for being the quiet, weird, autistic girl that nobody wanted to talk to.

I experienced a lot of abuse at the hands of others. I felt insecure and tried to “fit in” for a while, but I found it utterly exhausting to ALWAYS be wearing a mask.

I thought to myself “Is this how most people live?and the answer was yes.

Most people stray further and further away from their authentic selves as they grow up.

Eventually, they forget who their core self is. They may repress it so much they’ve forgotten how to come back home to the true version of themselves.

I had been ostracized and bullied out of communities my entire life for being different..

I was bullied by my former friends until I was isolated, I was struggling with depression and anxiety, and my life came crashing down like a pile of bricks.

I had no choice but to heal.

This was my metaphorical death and rebirth.

I was the unique, open-minded free-thinker. No matter how much others tried to tear me down and control me, I stood my ground.

People hate people who aren’t agreeable and easy to control. I had to come to terms with the fact that I’m not here to be liked- I’m here to make an impact.

During my isolation period, I had a spiritual awakening. I reconnected with my soul’s purpose and found my true self outside of who other people wanted me to be. As my spiritual abilities developed, I began to tap more and more into my soul’s purpose as a healer.

I graduated with a BA in psychology, I became a certified holistic coach, I studied a wide variety of spiritual modalities- including astrology, tarot, reiki, and the akashic records.

I was amazed at how my life changed through reconnecting with my spirit, through diving deeply into myself.

I believe most of us are missing a vital connection in order to experience deep, embodied happiness- our connection to spirit.

My holistic coaching process is Whole Person Centered and grounded in spiritual roots.

I believe every individual is a unique manifestation of the universe, so I tailor my coaching to resonate deeply with your soul’s blueprint using your astrology and human design chart.

We are embodying who you REALLY are beneath your mask.

ALL of you is welcomed here, no matter how messy you think you are.

It doesn’t matter how many flaws you think you have..

Every facet of your being is celebrated here.

With me, you’re unmasking your authentic self- flaws and all!

What You’ll Receive

→ Weekly 60-minute holistic coaching sessions. We’ll delve deep into exploring your needs and clarifying your intentions. Together, we'll navigate the core of your inner disconnection, and heal the roots of your disembodiment. By the end of each coaching session, you’ll be activated into authentic self-alignment.

→ Weekly Personalized Meditations. In each coaching session, we'll dive into a meditation specifically crafted for you, aligning with the intention of our time together. Whether it's grounding yourself, cultivating breath work to balance your nervous system, enhancing your spiritual gifts with a psychic development exercise, or connecting deeper into yourself with a higher self-meditation, our journey will be attuned to guiding you on your highest path.

→ 1:1 Texting Support. Stay connected and supported with unlimited texting access to me throughout the week. Whether you have a burning question, need a compassionate ear, desire accountability for your objectives, or face unexpected challenges outside our sessions, I'm here for you every step of the way.

→ Weekly Journaling Prompts. Dive deep and rediscover the forgotten facets of yourself that have been overshadowed with the insightful journaling prompts I'll provide after each of our sessions. These prompts are designed to illuminate and reconnect you with your inner essence.

→ Weekly Action Steps. Every session concludes with clear, actionable steps tailored to guide you closer to your alignment. These practical stepping stones are the seeds to the fruits of your desire.

→ Weekly Supportive Resources. You'll be equipped with additional resources carefully curated to enhance your holistic coaching journey. Each resource is chosen to bring you to self-realization and further ignite your inner transformation.

→ Weekly Personalized Affirmations. You'll receive affirmations crafted uniquely for you. These resonant words will serve as powerful reminders and reinforcers of your intentions.


→ Spiritual coaching through Astrology & Human Design. I look at each individual through a unique lens using their astrological chart and human design chart. No two people are alike so I coach you based on what your unique personality needs

→ Monthly Reiki healings, Astrology readings, Akashic Records readings, or Tarot readings. You will receive two monthly readings or healings from me as part of the Self Mastery container. These sessions can help you understand significant patterns in your life, embody your life’s purpose, and be in alignment with your goals.

→ Free access to all of my courses and workshops. You will receive access to all of my previous courses and workshops (15+ total).

→ 30% off all group coaching containers. Any group coaching containers will be 30% off for you for during the time of our container.

Know Thyself

3 month container

$250 x 10 months

Weekly 60 minute coaching sessions for 3 months

1:1 texting support via Quenza App

Weekly action plan for you to meet your goals

Weekly reflective journaling prompts for your healing journey

BONUS: 30% off all group coaching programs


Most Popular | 6 month container

$500 x 10 months

Weekly 60 minute coaching sessions for 6 months

1:1 texting support via Quenza App

Weekly action plan for you to meet your goals

Weekly reflective journaling prompts for your healing journey

BONUS: Monthly Reiki healings, astrology, tarot, or akashic records readings (12 total)

BONUS: Free access to all of my courses and workshops

BONUS: 30% off all group coaching programs

The Universe In Me Is The Universe In You.